dfkp fino-cockpit grafik

DFKP opts for fino cockpit

Deutsche Firmenkredit Partner and fino.digital enter into strategic cooperation

Kassel, Berlin. Deutsche Firmenkredit Partner (DFKP) has decided to use the fino-Cockpit data analytics solution from FinTech fino.digital as part of its credit rating process. The company intends to use this to further optimise financing advice for its customers and drive its growth.

Deutsche Firmenkredit Partner (DFKP) provides German SMEs with access to suitable financing, independent of their bank. On one hand, DFKP acts as a partner to small and medium-sized companies that are looking for traditional corporate loans or alternative financing solutions. On the other hand, it brokers enquiries from creditworthy companies to 150 banking partners, helping them to conserve their sales and advisory resources. Last year alone, the financing consultant successfully brokered 223 million euros to SMEs.

In order to make financing applications and lending even faster and more convenient for corporate customers, DFKP will combine qualified personal advice from financing experts with the fino-Cockpit digital solution in future. This is AI-based data analytics software that analyses account transaction data in real time according to parameters such as income, expenses, existing contracts and loans as well as personnel costs and then summarises the results transparently. DFKP  has integrated this approach into its credit rating. DFKP consultants and the financial institutions involved can see at a glance what the financial situation of the interested party is like. Inquiring companies also benefit, as they do not have to spend time compiling documents to prove their liquidity. Instead, corporate customers simply log into their online banking via a PSD2 interface with their usual access data and fino-Cockpit‘s algorithms analyse the account transaction data according to relevant creditworthiness criteria.

‘Personal advice for our customers is at the centre of our financing process. The AI-based analytics solution from fino.digital optimally supports our advisors in carrying this out in an even more targeted manner and quickly finding a customised financing solution for the customer,’ says Paul Weber, Managing Director of DFKP.

‘We are delighted that we were able to convince DFKP of our solution,’ emphasises Aleksandar Jeremic, CEO of fino.digital. ‘This use case shows once again how intelligent data analysis with fino-Cockpit creates added value from data, from which both DFKP and its customers benefit through greater transparency and significant time savings.’

About DFKP

Deutsche Firmenkredit Partner (DFKP) has been financing small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Germany since 2019, combining the power of digitalisation with comprehensive personal advice. DFKP financing consultants have access to financing products from currently over 150 banks and specialised financiers and secure market-leading conditions for corporate clients. DFKP currently has offices in Berlin, Hamburg, Munich, Frankfurt, Cologne, Leipzig, Essen and Nuremberg and employs over 50 people.

Press contact:
Luisa Schillinger
Unter den Linden 26
10117 Berlin

About fino

fino‘s roots lie in the FinTech sector’s first digital and fully automated account switching. Since its foundation in 2015, fino has grown steadily and is now a market-leading driver of innovation in the technologies of account and data analysis, regulation, taxes and document management.  fino develops customised software solutions for customers and partners that create prospects for new business models in the B2B and B2B2C sectors.
fino is convinced that the future belongs to data-driven business models. As an expert in the field of account and data analysis, fino‘s declared mission is to give value to data and transform it into high-quality insights through intelligent and forward-looking data analytics solutions.
More than five million account analyses carried out and the cooperation with over 1,000 banks and more than 10,000 other partners impressively demonstrate the trust of numerous companies and institutions in fino. Reference customers and partners include savings banks, VR banks, DATEV and Schufa. Further information is available at: www.fino.digital/en/

Press contact:
good news! GmbH
Nicole Gauger
Kolberger Straße 36
23617 Stockelsdorf

Tel.: +49 451 88199-12
E-Mail: nicole@goodnews.de


We are happy to advise you and look forward to getting to know you!

Aleksandar Jeremic