Data security


At fino, the protection of your data and your customers’ data is our top priority. As a company licensed by Federal Financial Supervisory Authority, our technologies fulfil the PSD2 directive at the highest level.
We strictly follow all European data protection regulations to ensure the security of customer data throughout the entire transaction process. As an authorised account information and payment initiation service provider (AISP/PISP) with BaFin (German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority), we are subject to the strictest security standards in the financial sector. Our data centres are located exclusively in Germany and our hosting takes place in high-security data centres.




Hosting takes place in high-security data centers at Tier-4 level. Dual supply paths ensure both complete redundancy and maximum stability.

PSD2 compliance

The innovative technologies are covered by the European Payment Services Directive (PSD2).

Providers of such services must comply with extensive security requirements for data centers, data transmission and storage.


fino uses data centers in Germany that are certified according to banking standards (PCI-DSS) as well as IT security standards (ISO 27001).
In addition, data is only transmitted (SSL + TLS) and stored (AES) in encrypted form. .